
Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Utopia

Do you know what Utopia is? Where does it really exists? I always thought Utopia was a figment of human imagination, wishful thinking as we call it. I was always made to believe Utopia resides in stories we read and is a bookish phenomenon. I have been earnestly doing my bit to find Utopia, posing questions to people with wisdom, inquiring what all it takes to create an Utopia, A perfect place where only happiness, joy reside, a Shangri-La. Where pain, sorrow, misery, despondency stands no chance and are kept at bay. My effort to find that Utopia bore no fruit for a long time, intellectuals and pessimist termed me a fool and drove me away. My odyssey in search of the elusive Utopia almost came to an end, dejected, I gave up my yearning to find that perfect place. With me all at sea, my neighbor, a strapping nerd in his teens took pity and inquired about my well-being and offered me to help. With utter disdain I dismissed him and blurred…. A green horn like you who does not understand what life means, cannot help me find the Perfect Place, called Utopia. My statement laden with hint of maturity was equally dismissed by this nerd rendering me an inexperienced bloke… With affirmation he thundered he would show me that perfect place I was desperately looking for…. Without any further ado he took me to the perfect land….. The land where everything was perfect, happiness, joy oozing from every activity. Mortals sashaying their achievements and possessions like there was no tomorrow. Not a hint of sorrow was sensed, but only celebrations, happiness and exhibition of joie de vivre. Welcome to “Facebook”.

Indeed an Utopia

I was thrilled to find the Utopia at last. What amazed me was, a nerd whose experience of life, tantamount to truth within a compulsive liar had showed me the elusive. With a big hurrah my foray into the Utopian land of Facebook commenced. I could see happiness, joy everywhere with pictures of millennials splurging in the most exotic locales, dining at the best restaurants, selfies at all possible locations were spread everywhere. Pictures of folks flaunting their latest grabs decorated the walls of this Utopian land. Women with new sartorial ensemble were making the men go weak in their knees. People wishing each other for the festivities simply made my eyes moist. Each and every citizen of this land was in a happy space and it showed prominently in their dealings. There were no foes only friends and that too in tune of thousands, all living in absolute harmony. This urge of every citizen to let others know of their every day to day actions simply took my breath away. So much of care being bestowed in this land was an eye opener for me. They all were an epitome of model citizens and members of “Mutual Admiration Society”, a definite trait worth imbibing. Promotion of each other was a given and a cause of jealousy for the inferior outside world. People of all ages playing games and inviting others to participate only showed the positive vibe within this tribe in the Utopian land. Fun frolic and entertainment was a day to day affair in this land. Appreciating each other’s state of affairs and updates is a norm here no matter if they made sense to them. So much of empathy, trust was indeed a lesson to be learnt by the selfish world outside. Any evidence of Bad Blood here…..? Nah… only bonhomie.

Utopia Pre-Requisites

Mood upbeat, happiness all around, fun unlimited, social life at all-time high, this land scores above everyone when overall satisfaction and happiness quotient is measured. Citizens of this land are ranked the most joyous lot on our planet earth. The day to day festivities in this land only induces jealously in the outside world, jealously which incites them to call this land of happiness fake, obnoxious and full of swagger. Is this a case of grapes gone sour??? I think so!! This name calling does not hinder the happy citizens to flaunt, brag or slow down their carnival. I hope all the naysayers, doubters will finally admit to the existence of Utopia, and if you ignore it, do it at your own peril. So all the wannabes who wish to get the citizenship of this land, should have following pre-requisites:
  • You should be ready to forgo all your private moments spent with your family, friends by sharing them will all.
  • You should be able to brag about your possessions and flaunt it without giving a damn.
  • You should be able to announce even the slightest of achievement / no achievement in life to the people with a lot of aplomb.
  • You should be ready to befriend one and all irrespective of knowing their identities.
  • You should have an in built trait of annoying and inducing jealousy amongst the people.
  • Most importantly you should be an active member taking part in all activities of this land, even though you are not even remotely connected to them and is beyond your comprehension.
So if you are confident of having these qualities, you can definitely be part of this Utopian land. So what are you waiting for, doors to Utopia beckon you to have a time of your life with fun frolic unlimited. Join Facebook the new age land of Utopia.